Monday, February 11, 2013

Telangana Turmoil: 'Keep The Pot Boiling'

“A conspiracy is nothing but a secret agreement of a number of men for the pursuance of policies which they dare not admit in public”

If conspiracies, power games, deceptions and unexpected twists and turns characterize a racy thriller, the ongoing developments on Telangana in the public school of politics in AP are a “perfect political pot-boiler”.

On the face of it, Ghulam Nabi Azad’s “ugly joke” on the “timeline of one month” set by the Union Home Minister to spell out UPA Government’s stand on Telangana issue was a foregone conclusion backed as he was by the Queen Sonia and the newly crowned Prince Rahul, the ultimate Bosses of the Congress party. But behind the scenes it was a cloak-and-dagger game of deception and conspiracy of the highest order in which a sideshow (the whole tamasha of conducting All Party Meeting, subsequent deadline set by the Sushil Kumar Shinde and hectic lobbying by Congress leaders of both the regions) hogged the headlines while the real deal reached with KCR during his October sojourn in New Delhi , and assignment of roles to the separatists and integrationists among the Congress ranks was hidden from public view.

From the day it was decided to hold an All Party Meeting on Telangana, a perception was created between the Telangana votaries and advocates of united state that the Congress would, for all practical reasons, find an answer to end the vexed issue of Telangana. This perception was so strong that even hardcore Telangana votaries like Kodandaram who always is skeptical about Congress moves and his brotherhood in TJAC and even T-Congress leaders mistook it for reality and considered it a done deal.In their elation they seemed to have forgotten one basic truth: that much like crime syndicates, closed social organizations and political parties, too, thrive on conspiracies.

Away from the public glare, the seeds of the conspiracy were sown in a piffling (piffling, because no one hardly evinced at it with interest) event in New Delhi in the middle of October 2012: The supposed secret confabulations of Congress high-command with KCR, the champion protagonist of Telangana movement. Whatever was transpired in the supposed secret parleys, KCR gave an impression to project them to substantiate his the then “signal theory”. Little did KCR and his intellectual support base realize then that he had unwittingly or wittingly helped the Congress script the first chapter of the 10-Janpath coup that would subsequently lead to present political scenario on Telangana issue? For, KCR owed his political relevance to the very conspiracies of the Congress high-command on Telangana in the past and at present.

The relationship between KCR and the Congress is matter of intense of debate within the Telangana politics and it was perceived that Congress high-command would want to allow KCR a space to control the politics of Telangana movement. KCR had a similar role at the national level by virtue of being the interface between the Telangana votaries and the Congress in maintaining a “blow hot and blow cold” situation to run the show called “Telangana movement” as per expediency of the Congress high-command.

There are certain maxims which are applicable equally to the underworld and politics. One such maxim is that “my enemy’s enemy is a friend”.  KCR had played a critical role of “enemy’s enemy” in marginalizing both the TDP and now emerging political force in the form of YSRCP in Telangana region. He virtually played “cat’s paw” for the Congress in reining both TDP and YSRCP, to a greater extent in Telangana.

And it was time for KCR to don a new role for which the Congress prepared a perfect plot in the form of Azad’s ugly joke on the timeline set by the Union Home Minister and subsequent political scenario of intensity of hatred between the Congress leaders of both the regions.

Whether it was part of the October deal, a scenario has now been created, in which KCR is forced or rather directed to invite all Telangana Congress leaders to join TRS and to say that the onus is on him to get them re-elected in 2014 elections. A scenario was scripted through utterances of Azad, the Congress is not inclined to concede Telangana as of now, to force Telangana Congress leaders to rebel against the high-command and seek refuge with KCR to consolidate their political future. Given the intense huddles and deliberations among Telangana congress leaders, the pins are now falling perfectly in the grooves and the actors enacting their roles, as scripted by 10-Janpath.

To the above cauldron was added the sudden coming together of integrationists among Congress ranks on the platform of Undavalli Arun’s “ Jai Andhra Pradesh” meeting at Rajahmundry which would not have been possible but for the conspiracy of 10-Janpath. Coming just two days after Azad’s ugly utterance, this was just the stroke of reason that the Telangana Congress men were looking for. This was a deliberate ploy by the 10-Janpath to create further divisions between the Integrationists and separatists.

Given the leading questions of both Vylar Ravi and Azad thrown at both Seemanadhra and Telangana Congress leaders about their likely performance in the 2014 elections, one is drawn to surmise that the Congress high-command is fretful about its prospects in the 2014 elections and not about the people of the state.

Hence, the conspiracy to create a level playing space to both the integrationists and separatists to face the people with their respective slogans of united and separate states.

But the position of the high-command has always towered over these factions and feuds. It is a practice for the high-command to tacitly encourage in a fight as Political polarization on regional lines would benefit it for various reasons – from finding allies like KCR and even YSRCP in the other region. This was evident at Undavlli’s Jai Andhra Pradesh meet, wherein, the Congress leaders lashed at TDP for seeking to divide the state and not uttered a word about YSRCP though the party said that it was respecting the “sentiment” of the people in the region and wanted the Centre to take an early decision.

And that has a sinister foreboding for the Congress where leaders divided on regional lines are fascinated by the motto of Mario Puzo’s Godfather: Revenge is a dish best served cold.

Will Congress succeed in its sinister game plan?  Aren’t politics turning into perfect political pot-boilers in AP?

Hitchcock must be regretting in his grave for having missed to conceive such a grand plot during his life time.

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